I have...

TF2 20x+ Reffined Metal

I want...

Trading Cards
Foil Trading Cards
Booster Packs
Cheap Games > What I don't own
Cheap Bundle leftovers > What I don't own
Games with Trading Card drop > What I don't own

Buy all trading cards Buying any Trading Cards for 2 scrap
Buy all trading cards Buying any Foil Trading Cards for 4 scrap
Buy all trading cards Buying any Booster Pack for 6 scrap

ACCEPT ALL TRADING CARDS ( RADical ROACH, Two Worlds: Epic Edition, Starbound, Pixel Puzzles: Japan too!!! )

If you have game leave your offer below!

If you want you can send me a trading request. It's a faster way to get the scrap :)

9 years ago*

I'm interested anything what I don't own if it's cheap :D so if you can write prices I maybe interested in.
Sorry but I can't see any game what I really want so I can't tell you which game price interested for me :/

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.