I have...

I have 10€ in Steam Wallet, so I can get you any game that costs 10€ (or multiple cheaper games)

I want...

You send me 10€ to my PayPal.

7 years ago

Tbh, if someone has 10 euro and want 10 euro on steam, why would they do it from you if they can do it themself!

You gotta lower it a bit or else i don't think anyone would be interested.


7 years ago


7 years ago

Because they aren't assholes like you and the other guy, and would help people who doesn't have a credit card\bank account?

7 years ago

yeah but you do know people need to pay taxes in paypal so its not 10€ is more

7 years ago

if you send it as a gift (or whatever was that option called), paypal doesn't take a cut.

7 years ago

People who doesn't have a credit card/bank account has paypal funds? ok

You may call us asshole for helping you out adjusting your trade, but this is a trading platform and know this, people don't just help you for no reason around here, they are here to trade and ofcourse make profit outta it.

Good luck finding such people around here.

7 years ago

if they dont have credit card/bank but they have paypal? u srs mate?

7 years ago

and what? i always used paypal for trading (when steam wallet was non existant, and when i got some paysafecard that isn't usable on steam in my country)

7 years ago

Also another paypal advice : You risk your account with continuous transaction if you don't verify your paypal via cc ,bank account or identity. Paypal will limit you at some point, asking you for verification while putting your transactions on hold so just to be safe, make sure you keep it verified. Sorry for off-topic discussions, have a good day.

7 years ago

fucking assholes always ruining my trades, hope you get aids for christmas.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.