So I'm looking to trade my League of Legends account in exchange for CS:GO items that in total are valued at $120, the account is roughly 3 years old I believe, I have every champs, 129 skins and can provide any necessary screenshots. (Hopefully this doesn't violate this sites terms of service, if it does apologies)

Skin List:
Foxfire Ahri
Challenger Ahri
Academy Ahri
A-llstar Akali
Blood Moon Akali
Silverfang Akali
Longhorn Alistar
Noxus Hunter Anivia
Goth Annie
Frejlord Ashe
Woad Ashe
Amethyst Ashe
Heartseeker Ashe
Marauder Ashe
Project: Ashe
Gravelord Azir
Snow Day Bard
Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
Apocalyptic Brand
Sherrif Caitlyn
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
Hot Rod Corki
Dunkmaster Darius
Lunar Goddess Diana
Corporate Mundo
Pool Party Mundo
Primetime Draven
Blood Moon Elise
Shadow Evelynn
Masquerade Evelynn
Tango Evelynn
Safecracker Evelynn
Frosted Ezreal
Explorer Ezreal
Arcade Ezreal
Union Jack Fiddlesticks
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
Nightraven Fiora
Project: Fiora
Tundra Fizz
Dredknight Garen
El Leon Gnar
Scuba Gragas
Fnatic Gragas
Arcade Hecarim
Nightblade Irelia
Order Of The Lotus Irelia
Temple Jax
High Noon Jhin
Order Of The Lotus Karma
Statue Of Karthus
Red Card Katarina
Bilgewater Katarina
Warring Kingdoms Katarina
Unmasked Kayle
Rioat Kayle
Blood Moon Kennen
Death Blossom Kha'Zix
Shadowfire Kindred
Jurassic Kog'Maw
Prestigious LeBlanc
Mistletoe LeBlanc
Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Winter Wonder Lulu
Star Guardian Lux
Shamrock Malphite
Assassin Master Yi
Samurai Yi
Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Mafia Miss Fortune
King of Clubs Mordekaiser
Exiled Morganna
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
Frozen Terror Nocturne
Sasquatch Nunu
Marauder Olaf
Winter Wonder Orianna
Ruthless Pantheon
Full Metal Pantheon
Noxus Poppy
Corsair Quinn
Eternum Rek'Sai
Bloodfury Renekton
Prehistoric Renekton
Night Hunter Rengar
Battle Bunny Riven
Arcade Riven
Championship Riven 2016
Uncle Ryze
Beast Hunter Sejuani
Asylum Shaco
Yellow Jacket Shen
Ironscale Shyvana
Lumberjack Sion
Huntress Sivir
Pentakill Sona
Dryad Soraka
Crimson Elite Talon
Astronaut Teemo
Championship Thresh
Riot Girl Tristana
Firefighter Tristana
Tango Twisted Fate
Musketeer Twisted Fate
Kingpin Twitch
Vandal Twitch
Black Belt Udyr
Primal Udyr
Spirit Guard Udyr
Heartseeker Varus
Curling Veigar
Veigar Greybeard
Officer Vi
Demon Vi
Tundra Hunter Warwick
Firefang Warwick
Radiant Wukong
Runeborn Xerath
Special Weapon Zac
SKT T1 Zed
Project: Zed
Championship Zed

Contact: Feel free to add me on steam if you're interested.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.