TRADEABLES;;;Nexuiz Forge Unmechanical Starvoid KEYS;;;;;;;;Adventures of Shuggy; Vegas: Make It Big; Cryostasis; Chains; Darwinia; Company of Heroes Tales of Valor Unmechanical Starvoid anu of these for just cause 2

1 decade ago

Might actually take Forge for it, even though i already have 2. Will let you know.

1 decade ago

Hitman for bfbc2?

1 decade ago

It's a very nice offer, but i'm not really into Battlefield. Sorry :(

1 decade ago

Any of my tradables up to Stellar Impact Bundle (Price-range) for your CONFLICT: DENIED OPS? I am also currently offering this: Linkie to my topic, if it's possible you could get more copies and would be interested, thank you.

1 decade ago

I might be able to get more copies and scarygirl. I'll get back to you when i know. Any idea when the sale ends?

1 decade ago

Yep, according to IsThereAnyDeal it ends in 10 hours, but I wouldn't say it's perfectly precise as the IndieGala "ended" a day before then it actually did on the site.

And would be great if you could, I'm going out soon and will be back in a few hours, if you can and you're interested, then I will do the trade with you as first priority when I get back (as I haven't heard from anyone else as of yet). That means I'll do the trade with you as first priority regardless if I get other replies when I am out, as you showed an interest first.

But as a start, I'll like to get it confirmed from you if you can do the trade aye^^

1 decade ago

I'll have to wait for a reply from a friend before i'll know for sure and she's asleep at the moment :P

1 decade ago

Ah that's alright, about to go out for now anyway aye ;D Leave a reply when you can and thank you for taking the time^^

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.