UPDATE 15 April: a fine detective work by FyreFlareon, and some help from the community seemingly able to locate Monochrome Fire's exact location. If someone in Perth Australia interested in practicing his long unused kung-fu technique, reply here.


Edit: this thread seems to reveal other victims that previously held their voice just because the high +rep and calming promises of the scammer. Although not much hard evidence have been given by those, but the amount of additional reports itself should act as a sign not to trade with Monochrome Fire.


Let this be a lesson for the community. It's an expensive lesson, I feel sorry to those who paid the price.

The victim, a good friend of mine and a very nice person:


I can testify to his trustworthyness and upon request give proof that on so many occasion done trades where i went first tranferring money more than $100.

The highly suspected scammer:


On 28 Mar my friend gave 73 tf2 keys to suspected scammer, with the latter promising to send paypal $$ afterwards.
My friend never received the money, with the latter saying that he sent the money to the wrong address, promising that he'll need to resolve it with Paypal and asking for 2-3 days.
Until this very second, the latter refused to show any proof that he was indeed sent money to the wrong address, nor shows any sincere intention to resolve the issue.

see the attached picture in here for full conversation.
see the main parts in text format for easy reading.
proof of 73 keys moving between inventories.

In a spirit to keep the trading community clean off scams, which will contribute to a better world overall, I would urge people not to trade with the latter and bump this thread to show your support, and admin(s) to ban the latter's account so he can't do harm to others.

To MonochromeFire, please proof your innocence and good intention by at least showing the proof that you send the money to the wrong address, and you filed that support ticket with paypal.

1 decade ago*

Bump. He seems to have scammed other 2 persons the same way.

1 decade ago

yeah. my friends is the luckier of them three.
the other 2 lost 8 buds and an unusual worh $200.

1 decade ago

How low can people go..

1 decade ago

you wont believe..

1 decade ago

That's just sad, I hope your friend gets justice!

1 decade ago

thank you for your support.

1 decade ago


This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

and they're getting better and better :\

1 decade ago

yeah. I bought bf4 with him before, for the first time, it went well but when dealing for the 2nd time to get more bf4 code, the code has already been redeemed. it's been more than a week. when asked, keep giving lam excuses.

really irresponsible

1 decade ago

you have valid reason to -rep him. i will advise you to do so if you can provide proofs.

1 decade ago

yeah. I thought he's sorting things out because the deal I made with him was on 22nd of march. since he got lotsa reps, i leave it for few days while keep asking for the matter everyday. as usual, he kept getting me lame excuses.

really ashamed that the other guys been scammed with huge amount of losses compared to me.

1 decade ago

lesson learned for the community bro.
i'm sorry for those who paid the price.

1 decade ago

I hope your friend gets justuce :S really sad man 72 keys is too much money :S

1 decade ago

check the scammer's 3rd rep page. there are other people who lost 8 buds and other $200.

1 decade ago

ye too sad for that people :S

1 decade ago

ye too sad for that people :S

1 decade ago

That's very sad mate, you can easily get him banned by reporting him to steamrep, also if you go to steamgifts.com support and tell them about it, they will be most likely to help u banning the guy from steamtrades and steamgifts. In any way you need support ask me out mate! good luck!

1 decade ago

I will file a report to the admins now.
Your reply to this thread is token of support, much appreciated. Thank you.

1 decade ago

np mate, gl

1 decade ago

I hope your friend can get his money back :(

1 decade ago

Small chance tbh, we're looking more to end his trading career.

1 decade ago

Bump thanks for alert

1 decade ago

Thanks for the bump.

1 decade ago

Don't get me wrong on this, but on a quite good amount of reports like these, the scammer had at least one negative feedback (or any other tip that could serve as warning: fishy profile, offer 'too good to be true' and such) on his profile like this one. If this trade was done yet today/yesterday, there is at least two previous scam reports on his profile to warn him about and such loss could be avoided...

Anyways, best of luck to him, hope he gets justice and the scammer what he deserves.

1 decade ago

The transaction was made 28 Mar. Up until 2 days after, we havent see any negative on the scammer's feedback. The last was a +rep from someone with 500+ rep.
This lead me to advise my friend to play the scammer's game; to wait for 2-3 days giving the scammer enough time to get his money back in paypal as he said.

1 decade ago

Actually the scammer kept derailing people. Turns out he did that to lots of people, as he kept making excuses for a week that his paypal had issues and such and he needed to file some papers to Paypal. When in reality he used to play Teamfortress 2 all day. -_-

1 decade ago

The report for alleged swindler, all should do the same

1 decade ago

I will report him today.

1 decade ago

yeah fu%"#$ing scammer there are just shi#°" i can beleave one of them get so far we have to report him justice for all

1 decade ago

im keeping this thread alive as much as i can, the scammer's 100+ rep is his most deadly weapon.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

thanks for your support.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Bump. Hope your friend get back what he paid.
By the way, can the picture of conversation be the evidence? Modifing words in picture is easy.
And Steam doesn't support conversation history...

1 decade ago

to be honest, i think the chance of my friend getting his keys back is slim. only think we can hope is for enough people report this bastard, just enough reports to give permanent ban and make him lost all he have in his account.

1 decade ago

Sorry for your friend lost !! Who know a high rep+ trader can turn out to be scammer one day !! Next time, I remcommned people split the trade to some smaller amounts to decrease risky when trading with real money or using steam rep midleman service !!!

Keep safe and take care , everyone !!

1 decade ago

agree with this. lesson learned.

1 decade ago

Scammed me too.. took money for 10 bf4's via paypal, have been giving weird excuses since

1 decade ago

10 bf4s is like $200-ish? oh man.. this guy seem to hit the jackpot.

im sorry for your loss.

1 decade ago

Well, he has -repped me .. lol.. what for.. for reporting a scammer?

1 decade ago

If you read steamtrades rules, you can only leave a negative rep if you trade with a person.

1 decade ago

Never even traded with you...

1 decade ago

Scammed me $200 via paypal for BF4 keys. Been a week, only got excuses.

1 decade ago

Never even talked with you....

1 decade ago

How you dare to show up in here like nothing happened, get a life and stop wasting people's time and money.

1 decade ago

I do dare to show up here.

1 decade ago

yup, you're a dumb ass

1 decade ago

Bump looks like many people got scammed by him :C
hope ur friend get back his stuff im sorry for ur loss
i hate thieves
ps :~ blocked and reported him :)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

ugly... i read the whole thing + steamrep report and saw screens.
in the end i also filed a report to steam for requesting trade ban. this attitude is not acceptable!
Edit: corrected. :) i did request trade ban on report, not vac anyway :)

1 decade ago

you mean trade ban. vac is the valve anti cheat tool.

1 decade ago

bump. anchor in his ass.

1 decade ago

Do SG/ST support said anything about this?

1 decade ago

Bump, done with trading :).
All people who are supposedly got "scammed" don't worry.
The future is soon...
I want a ban please.
Thank you...

1 decade ago

no need to add me. say what you have to say here.

1 decade ago

Senõr douchebag, you have spoken.

1 decade ago

Burn the Heretic

1 decade ago

=)) thank you so much, Momo.

You taught us what:

1) Do NOT trust anyone, who do not try get any type of discount if he buy so many items, or buy items with high price.

2) Do NOT go first (never), if you want to sell many of items for big and good price to new, unknown person, who do not trade successfully with you before. This time i broke the our tf2depot.com rules and was punished for it. it's my own fault. Because i REALLY felt that something goes wrong ... Possible it will be better to refuse from suspicious trade.

3) Besides, it is necessary to watch more attentively for threads with "reputation": in your case, all messages were too old, the earliest - at least 3 months ago. And all of them looks as created by ... "batch" process. Probably, you also made them. Or the account was stolen. Or the account was bought in the relevant underground shop (it possible if who doesn't know). We must point our look to messages creation date and check 5-10 last posters (on steamrep?).

So, as speak at our homeland: " Век живи, век учись - дураком помрёшь"
I will try to translate it to an english: "Live and learn - fool die".

Many thanks for help, Rudi!
I lost my 73 keys, but it not so dramatic for me and my partners. We do not stop our business. But we will more accurate and careful in future.

And i think we all must stop our right rage now and start to actively posting (who do not do it still) reports about Momo's activity to all possible trading sites. I'm sure - Momo will be banned on all civilized trading sites, but noone can stop his to buy another old, stolen or sold Steam account with good reputation and start all from the scratch.

Anyway, we are MUST to be more attentive to those, with whom we are going to trade. And if you think that "something wrong with this guy", it will better to get a pause and to inspect his data, two or free times. Despite the possible loss of profits.

Thank you all for your support and kind words!

1 decade ago

And the MOST wrong that can be made now - to get into argument with the scammer. Simply ignore it, as though it isn't present among the live.

1 decade ago

Add me for what you rightfully deserve.

1 decade ago

:|/ I sell shotgun anyway, if u want to shoot him..

you can contact me later (shh... don't call the cops, this is secret) ;)

1 decade ago

LOL Now he's giving everyone negative reps. Just because we gave him negative reps.

Here's his chat with a friend of mine from today :

Kratos™: FOR CHAMMER ?
Kratos™: FOR 8 BUDS ?
Kratos™: FOR 73 KEYS
Monochrome Fire: 2. there is a full story which will be announced very soon in the near future
Monochrome Fire: the first part of this plan is for this acocunt to be banned
Monochrome Fire: i need this acocunt banned asap
Kratos™: TELL ME ?
Monochrome Fire: keep me added
Monochrome Fire: but first patr of the plan
Monochrome Fire: getting this banned
Monochrome Fire: dont worry for anyone who alledgley got "scammed"
Monochrome Fire: except for HE L L E R
Monochrome Fire: he scammed me
Kratos™: he says u scammed him
Kratos™: lol
Monochrome Fire: well taht sotry is bs
Monochrome Fire: if you want to ever know what this plan was keep me added.
Kratos™: tell me now
Monochrome Fire: that would just ruin it man
Kratos™: ruin what ?
Kratos™: ?
Monochrome Fire: the plan
Monochrome Fire: trsut me this plan is good
Monochrome Fire: just wait and see
Kratos™: okay
Monochrome Fire: but H E L L is bsing
Monochrome Fire: and his frend kyle of sorza is bsing
Kratos™: post proofs there
Kratos™: adming will decide
Kratos™: :)
Monochrome Fire: its fine
Monochrome Fire: for the plan to work i need a ban
Kratos™: wtf

1 decade ago

when i tried to ask why he scammed ... he just made like retard excueses .. as u can see in that chat
i was like dude wtf

1 decade ago

That's because he doesn't have an answer now when he's caught. lol

1 decade ago

Uhm no, you cannot give me a negative rep if I never traded with you thanks :)

1 decade ago

ROFL? We never traded? So how come you're in my friend's list and how come we discussed about the BF4 trade Oh wait, let me guess, it was your little brother right? xD

At least that excuse is better than all the lame excuses you gave! xD

1 decade ago

I have been adding replies to negative reps by him saying they're falsified. I do hope somebody does the same for me if he vandalizes my page too..

1 decade ago

I can leave you a negative rep if you leave one to me, we never traded.

1 decade ago

HE L L E R (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076116358/) is a good man. i trade with him - no problems. fair and polite trader.

1 decade ago

Monochrome Fire - =)LOL)
Really STUPIED strategy: he want be in YOUR contact lists to demonstarte it to another traders =)))
"Look! I am really fair and this is a world complot against me!"

2 ALL: Delete him from contact list and ban him. Do not speak with him.
Because one lie generates another.

And our gracious Momo now puffed out his cheeks and pretends that "everything goes exactly how he planned".

1 decade ago

i'm sorry you got scamed but you should have stopped the trade at "Other members of the Steam Community have reported Monochrome Fire for attempting trade scams" or at lest made him go 1st.

its one thing to get blind sided but that shit is there for a reason. next time don't ignore it.

1 decade ago

Actually he scammed most or almost all of us a week or two ago. He kept making excuses that he'll fix things, which he never did. So none of us gave him negative rep or reported him until just a few days ago.

1 decade ago

Please post more of your reports on steamrep. Spread this over the community. This ignorant and disrespectful child need to stop.

1 decade ago

let the scammer be banned like hell.

1 decade ago

Sorry for the scam and gl in future trades, I found Mono escuses hilarious bc for people used to work with paypal should know, when you make a payment to a receipt that doesnt exist, the money doesnt leave your account/credit card bc paypal doesnt let you complete the transaction, it was a scam right from the start using fake reputation and the good faith of others.

1 decade ago

free bump

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

He scammed one of my friends too, he took about half of his inventory for some stupid ass "giveaway", and he was creating fake giveaways to gain reputation or something to help him scam other people out. I hope you get a ban soon.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

he scammed me on steam cards when i had taken sleeping pills........... this guy is proffesional scammer he have many accounts that he uses as "friends" that say good stuff about him lool.

1 decade ago

Did not scam you....

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Throwing my name into this hat - I lost over $500 worth of game codes and TF2 keys to this jackass after months of successful trading. Never felt worse about the Steam trading market before now.

1 decade ago

holy jackpot!!

1 decade ago

This person didn't loose anything, wtf?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

there should be a law passed that makes digital item thefts like this, illegal and an punishable offense.

1 decade ago


well he is in my friend list for long time i don,t know why the fuck he started scaming .

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

free bump:)

1 decade ago

Yeah bumpbump, I hope you guys get justice! This just makes me sad.

1 decade ago

Bump. I feel your pain. If only there were steam community moderators for the sole purpose of steam trades and help make this a better and safer trading environment.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.