Baldur's Gate is on daily deal right now (-50%), but too expensive in UE region (10€).

So if you can do better, add me on steam.

1 decade ago*

This is fucking sad that people from Europe (I'm in the same position btw) have to look for reasonable prices of games even on sales... Really, why is regional pricing so SILLY?

Enjoy the free bump :)

1 decade ago

And there are also price differences within europe (Spain: 6.99 €, France: € 9.99 ...). It is not fair, so i preferr pay the game + a extra fee from somebody where the price is cheaper. Thx for the bump also !

1 decade ago

Ye, so I'm kinda 'lucky' that I live in that cheaper EU region :P

I could do it for 7,5€ for a copy btw ;) (so 15 for 2, you pay PP fees)

1 decade ago

i can do it at 8€ per copy xD

1 decade ago

in my region game cost 6.99 Euro, if you want i can buy for you 2x copies for 8 Euro.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.