you go first otherwise don't bother offering

feel free to make fair game offers

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I don't recommend dealing with this person.

I added him because he wanted Crysis 2 which I have in a collection. Then he goes on and on about how it's missing something when everything Steam is selling is there in this pack.

Then he proceeds to insult and berate me for not wanting to trade when I've acepted his offer which I didn't. I added him to negotiate not to accept his offer. Nowhere did I say I accept Deus Ex for my Crysis Collection.

1 decade ago

liar, i will insult you if you wish.
the kid is just jealous because i told him how not only did i get more content in the retail version, i also got it much cheaper than his high price.
So don't add me offering stuff i didn't ask for, and then ask me to add stuff to compensate for it :)


1 decade ago

You're an extremely rude and condescending person and I've added you to my block list.

I can understand why you've got 8 bad reps in your profile.

We won't have anything further to do with each other.

1 decade ago

at least i don't use other people's lies as a base to tell my own.
i'll stand up for myself if i need to although this time i haven't needed to since nothing has happened until you come here with your lies :)


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.