Want to trade my games ( Dawn of war2 with dlcs or Elder scrolls Oblivion or maybe some other game if have the desired game ) with Payday The Heist

1 decade ago*

have a free bump

since you're prolly new,

try to specify in title what you want

for example

[H] Dawn of War 2, TES: Oblivion [W] Payday the Heist

so people know if you put payday up for trade or if you want it

1 decade ago

yeah i'm pretty new thanks for the info mate

1 decade ago

Have a copy. Add me.

1 decade ago

Well sorry i misinformed cuz i didn2t knwo you can't trade the games you already played ( or can you i dunno ) but i have borderlands GOTY edition & dota 2 if you like . Add me. name's Kadavra

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.