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Might & Magic® Heroes® VII - 24 keys

Might and Magic Franchise Pack - 10 keys

The Heroes Pack - 8 keys

Might & Magic X - Legacy - 3 keys

Might & Magic: Heroes VI - 2 keys

Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness - 3 keys

Heroes of Might & Magic V - 1 key

Heroes of Might & Magic V: Hammers of Fate - 1 key

Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East - 1 key

Heroes® of Might & Magic® III - HD Edition - 3 keys

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - 1 key

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic - 1 key

9 years ago*


9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.