The items are worth around $0.76 on the community market. I could also throw in 5 Steam Trading Cards.

If you’re interested then feel free to make me an offer or just add me :3

Edit: Gone.

9 years ago*

Unprivate your inventory so people can see what cards you have

9 years ago

People can't trade offer you if you have it private.

9 years ago

Well, first off it’s not private, it’s for people on my friends list :3

Secondly, with that URL everyone should be able to send me trade offers.

9 years ago

Demut's inventory privacy is set to "Private". They are unable to receive trade offers.

no. You don't know how things works.

9 years ago

Uh, yes, I do. To quote the Steam page on trade offers:

“Third-Party Sites

You can share this unique URL with other Steam users to allow them to send you a trade offer even if they aren't on your friends list. You can share this URL anywhere, including on third-party trading sites and Steam Community groups.”

You just encountered a bug, it seems. Besides, you added me with your WantToBuy account, right? So you should be able to just go to my inventory and send me a trade offer that way :)

9 years ago

Sigh. No I didn't add you. And also, you can't trade with people who put their inventory to private. You can trade offer other people, who aren't your friends, but you can't regardless if you SET YOUR INVENTORY to private.

Trust me I would know.

9 years ago

In that case the instruction by Steam above sure is misleading. And sorry for thinking that you added me but right after you posted your comment here someone added me with the same comment, namely that I should unprivate my inventory. I thought that was an alt of yours.

Anyhow, I sent you a friend request just now :3

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.