I have...

please only offer on my cards
I DO HAVE MOBIL AUTHENTICATER! but also don't mind waiting

I want...

1 card for 100gems (can be a emots/backgrounds worth 1000gems)
13 cards for a sack of gems / tod ticket / capsule key
30 cards for a tf2 key
36 cards for 1 cs:go key

7 years ago*

36 cards per key? Wow you must have cards very expensive. Good luck my dear.

7 years ago

listen shitbag next time you want to troll a thread go fuck yourself with rusty nails instead. you price fixers are rat shit and like i said if you where a person of any kind of fucking worth you would make an offer.

7 years ago*

take a FREE bump to help you. You will need.

7 years ago

you are trying to get 50 game for a key hahahah fucking troll also thanks it got me a trade XD

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.