Hi, a person named majora, added me on steam and started saying that I had stolen her keys. I've never dealt with this person, and yet he gave me a negative reputation. Is there something that can be done?

Rɘƞɑƞ: hi

Majora: You piece of shit.

Rɘƞɑƞ: why?

Majora: I know you're the exact same person who just took my game keys.

Majora: I want my damn game now.

Rɘƞɑƞ: ???

Rɘƞɑƞ: are you crazy?

Majora: renanflores85: Sure

Majora: I worked hard to get these keys.

renanflores85: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/renanflores85

Majora: Okay, remember my e-mail is zainrehman8@yahoo.com

Majora: Dear Esther: 52I6H-AKZZ3-48HMD

Majora: Painkiller Overdose: F298R-YKV9K-MFQQV

Majora: Now send me the game please.

renanflores85: Both used and worked :)

Majora: Okay now send me the game.

Majora: I'll be sure to rate you up.

renanflores85 is now Offline.

Majora: I know you did this.

Majora: Stop trying to mess with me.

Rɘƞɑƞ: first: in any moment i offer keys for anyone. second: i never talk to you before now.

Majora: Ha.

Majora: You fail badly at lying.

Majora: You redeemed my games.

Majora: And I want what I was promised.

Rɘƞɑƞ: man, sorry if you got scammed for someone using my name, i recommend you to report to steam

Majora: Seriously.

Majora: You can stop lying.

Majora agora está Disponível.

Majora: Yeah, I'd like my damn game.

Majora: People like you that trick people make me sick.

Majora agora está Offline.

1 decade ago*

Do u have those 2 games on your acc?

1 decade ago

This part is important: "Majora: You redeemed my games.". If u didn't redeem them he has no evidence u did stole them. U report him.

1 decade ago

i have only painkiller, from 1 week before this guy appears

1 decade ago

Majora came to me apologizing, found the person who stole the keys

1 decade ago

and removed a negative reputation

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.