4-Pack Deal price is 89.99 (USD) = 90.00 (USD) divides into 4 equal prices = 22.50 (USD)

Either I can purchase the 4-pack deal and you can pay me via paypal or you can purchase the 4-pack deal and I can pay you via paypal.

I only accept USD and am willing to this transaction in following payment method!

If I decide to purchase the 4-pack deal, then:

1) I want to make sure that everyone in this purchase is 100% fully committed to buy this game (I don't want somebody to change his/her mind at the last minutes, or asking for refund)

2) Must agree to pay in full payment immediately after the proof of purchase! (No partial payment, no foreign currency)

3) Must have paypal accounts to complete the transaction

4) The original receipt copy of purchase (in picture format) will send out to the group, verify the recipt, send out the payment via paypal, send out the each copy to the buyer

5) Happy Holidays and Enjoy your game =D

Please take a look at my profile, feel free to contact me before this amazing deal expires!

1 decade ago*

What you are looking will find it here

I would join but will pass this time!

1 decade ago

thank you very much i didn't know about this =D

1 decade ago

Hi, interested in anything from here for Borderlands2 ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.