ALERT !!!!!!!!!!


Both the main and alt accounts are hijacked


Main account --- Ava Adore ∞

Alt account --- Progeny

Ava Adore ∞ used browser to send me a message, alerting me about this and asking for help in reporting to steam support/steamrep and posting a warning thread here in steamtrades.

The hijacker managed to compromise everything - both steam accounts, both email accounts. And changing email passwords several times did not help.

Now Ava Adore is completely locked out of both steam accs and email accs. PREVIOUSLY ALL 4 ACCS WERE USING DIFFERENT PASSWORDS TOO. And attempts to make steam support tickets are all closed down.

It may be a keylogger but nothing is confirmed yet.

Guys, this is extremely dangerous and scary - be very careful what you download, where you download from, and which websites you sign in on. The hijack attack could come from anywhere and you risk losing everything.


Anyone have any advice on how to help??

1 decade ago*

If it was indeed hijacked than the hijacker should be locked out of trading for a while. There's an automatic trade lock of several days (not sure how many) after a password/email on the account are altered.

Anyway, we can't do anything. He better hope Steam support can be bothered to get off their fat lazy incompetent asses quickly enough to help before any permanent damage like inventory drain or bans/tags are done to the account.

1 decade ago

Thank you for making the effort to reply. I've been looking all over the web for ways to help - seems it's pointless for me to contact steam support on behalf either - it has to be the owner who writes to steam support and provides proof of purchase of games.

Read that when password is only changed, there is no trade lock. It is when password is RESET that a trade lock of 5 days is imposed. I certainly hope there is that trade lock in this case. There is hope, as I've been watching and so far, the inventory is intact.

Now Ava Adore is cut off from communication with anyone - sent the alert messages to me on a browser for 3 minutes, and then the account went offline completely. But he is smart and resourceful and I am hoping he has already created a new steam support account (if the existing email got compromised) and is sending a dozen tickets with proofs of purchases even as we speak.

Again, I appreciate your response.

1 decade ago

Support account are separate from Steam accounts. Therefore all he needs to do log into a support account or even make a new one and assert his ownership of the Steam account with proof.

1 decade ago

He tried. But everything has been compromised.

When strange signs were noticed, Ava Adore went to email accounts and changed passwords several times - all to no avail, it's as though the hijacker shadows all the moves - as updated in the post, at the end of everything he is now locked out of both steam accs and both email accs - even though all 4 accs had different passwords to begin with. He then made steam support tickets, but the hijacker closed the tickets down.

All these seem like signs that it's a keylogger which sees everything ava is doing. But nothing is certain yet - ava has made a new steam support acc and submitted new tickets - without proof of purchase yet, just in case the hijacker can indeed see everything. Up till 7 hours ago when we last spoke, the tickets remained opened. Hoping they do get through to steam support. I'm awaiting ava's update at the moment.

1 decade ago

Strange story indeed, and keylogger is a likely guess. Actually I'd accuse you of making this up but you seem to have too much rep for such antics. If he thinks his computer is still compromised the logical step to take is to switch to another computer or reinstall everything from scratch before he loses more accounts.

Support tickets take forever. That's just how it is. Steam support is pure junk, it's going to be a long ordeal with them. But it's the only legitimate account recovery option.

1 decade ago

What reason would there be for making this up? X) Cos the hijacker sounds too sophisticated? I find myself overwhelmed by the info as well, but feel all the worse for Ava Adore for it. And my life is too busy for such a prank.

Take a look:

What is even stranger is, so far the inventory is still untouched. Yet we know there isn't a trade lock - ava's other friend tried a trade with the hijacked Progeny account, trading worked.

When ava and I last spoke 8 hours ago, he did say he planned to wipe everything from his system. If the hijacker is such a pro, there is no telling what other info he may be siphoning from ava's system in the meantime.

Many say that with steam hijacks, it usually takes ~3 days for recovery...let's hope so. Thanks again mate.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

best thing he can do is try recovering from a different computer incase it is indeed a keylogger/trojan most likely the latter since it would allow the hijacker to see his remote desktop/webcam even click on his behalf
so best thing is recover from a different computer

1 decade ago

Indeed. We had figured as well that the original system wasn't safe anymore. I won't reveal too much more here just in case the hijacker happens to be a visitor on this forum too. Thanks for the sensible suggestion.

1 decade ago

Thanks Hellgrip for making this thread. I have recovered my account now, but not from steam support.
As if he just lets go of my account but, stolen some items on my alt(progeny).

Note that I'm still not trading coz im waiting for support to reply. I recovered the account even before I got a reply. how ironic.

what I did when I lost my email, was recover my PW from phone.
then I just saw some recovery from steam. its very complicated to explain. I was in panic. If you have questions please do ask, so I have guide on how to tell my story.

The feeling was so scary coz he knew my emails' passwords.

PS. Im still overwhelmed

Right now im unblocking all friends. 290+ coz he blocked all.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.