Listen guys this is kind of a bad story..
Yesterday I've clicked mistakely on a phishing site that provides me a copy of rust, and I lost my acc..
Now the man deleted all my accs and adds people to buy them buds and keys for paypal, he scamms people with his fake paypal, dont buy or sell from me till I get my acc back please I really dont want any of you to get fucked up by this scammer.. thx..

EDIT: The steam support just answered me asking me to provide them a proof for my ownership of the acc, so I gave them, I hope they'll reply back to me soon.

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

why you could post here in spite of highjacking.who believe if im got highjacked now?
i think its your responsibility for your acc.So you have liability to pay money or keys those who got scammed by your acc.

1 decade ago

Although my acc got hijacked I was still logged to the steamtrades, that way I could post here..

I'm not even 18, I have no money and that horrible man scammed people for many buds that worth like 1000$, believe me I cant afford a thing..

So yeah I clicked on phishing site not knowing it is phishing site and lost my account to some asshole who scamms people for alot of money, I just really hope that steam will answer me fast in support ticket and I do my best to prevent any scamms, I add the people he adds and warn them in my friend's acc, I made this post here, if I could I wouldve paid for the people he scammed but I simply cannot.

1 decade ago

Another thing, by your logic that because I clicked the phishing page not knowing it is phishing page the people who got scammed by him are as guilty as me..

1 decade ago

Steam Guard enabled ? Contact Steam Support ? i see ... ;)

1 decade ago

Before he hacked my acc it was enabled, now I have no idea...

I contacted steam support, waiting for them to reply..

1 decade ago

bump!! maybe steam helps u to get ur accnt back

1 decade ago

2 days already and they didnt reply =/.. This guy steals alot of money from many people, I feel so bad for them man, I hope they'll reply soon..

1 decade ago

i was thinking that i told him who had traded with the scammer,deleted me his friend list.How about trying to teach him about hijacked?
Maybe he was stolen his money worth 8 buds.

1 decade ago

I didnt understand what you just said lol, I added him to warn him about the scammer who hijacked my acc but unfortunately too late, after he traded with the scammer..

1 decade ago

Too late lost 12 Buds!

1 decade ago

I know man, I tried to add him and to threat to report him and get his primary acc banned if he wont give back but he just blocked me.. -.- but there is a hope that after they'll get my acc back I'll ask them to search where he sent the buds to and they will give back to everyone who lost his items, that what I'm gonna do

1 decade ago

I was one of the victim, he bought 30tf2 keys from me. I never doubted the account because of the games owned and the rep here. :(

1 decade ago

Just wondering how can he trade using your account if you just lost it yesterday?
Don't steam have 7day restriction?

1 decade ago

I dont know anythign about this restriction, I just clicked a link that supposes to give me rust copy for free, 1 hr after my pass and email changed and he logged in my acc and scamm people..

1 decade ago

What I know is that even if he's got your steam account login details and your email, Steam would still lock him from trade for 7 days unless he hacked your PC and obtained certain files from it.

So it's weird the hijacker was able to trade so soon!

1 decade ago

All I know is that I clicked the site, it said that I am login like in steam says sometime and say that friendly name thing when I clicked login it says me to click on some .ssnn file, I thought its some new update of steam so I did it, 1 hour later my acc changed its email and pass :X

1 decade ago

SHAKE my fucking head.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

That means you uploaded the Steamguard security file to the phishers ... so yeah that's how it got bypassed.

1 decade ago

I didn't know that, I just wanted to get the RUST copy they said the first one who adds that person so I logined fast and after I thought that was fake since none was there to add..

1 decade ago

It seems like he just left my acc, he didnt log for 25 hours :O

1 decade ago

Well, he didnt leave it, appearently it just got locked.. the support will unlock if after i'll clear my computer and change my email pass so from now on theres no risk.. I asked them to remove the trades my account have done, please reply if any miracle have happened.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.