4 pack opening = 1 key PLUS collateral (collateral traded back for the three copies)

Squigly DLC for Skullgirls = 1 key

Portal Bundle = 3 keys

1 decade ago*

I can open you a 4-pack for Skullgirls. Adding you.

1 decade ago

Bigshrimp has the keys for collateral, will not loan keys to use as collateral. Too fishy and must be scammer.

1 decade ago

Yeah and you gave me -rep even though we didn't trade, which is against the rules. I will just have the admin take it off.

Read the rules, you can even get a suspension for it... You don't have to accept a trade if you do not want to, which is not a reason to give -rep. You can't even trust someone with high rep, which I have traded with many people on opening 4-packs and never had an issue. You already had 1 -rep, so you seemed untrustworthy already. Now you seem even childish. You will also notice I never gave you -rep, because unlike you, I do follow the rules...

If you remove the -rep, I will cancel the support ticket as well. But believe me, I will never attempt to do any trades with you EVER again, lol... My idea of good trades with you is tarnished forever.

Also, just an observation, if you aren't aware... If you throw -rep around like you just did with me, you will start to gain -rep yourself from others. Also, people will take notice of how you treat some of the respected traders in the community and that will take hold as well. Just a heads up.

I am sending in a request to have the -rep removed now, with an image of our conversation.


"Feedback should be used for :

Successfully completed trades.
Scammers/Impersonators and warning the community about those

Feedback should NOT be used for :

Random comments, unrelated to a trade.
Comments such as "rude", "lowballer", "regifter" and so on. This is trade and not attitude related feedback.
Fake positive feedback for boosting your reputation count.
Revenge reputation (such as giving negative rep to someone just because they gave you false negative rep)."
1 decade ago

I see you took yours back. here let me now return the favor :)

1 decade ago

Thank you. I hope you take some of my advice to heart. Just think about what I said, please. I think this is the only instance someone has called me a scammer even if they were wrong.

I rarely give -rep, and it's only for a good reason...

I removed the admin request.

1 decade ago

But when you have the keys RIGHT there... and you get mad and say no... alarm bells ring. I mean it would of taken NOTHING from you. I asked for 5 keys total, 4 back to you after trade. Means you never pay more then what RU traders can even get you. But its cool. I just didn't like that "oh I got rep and I will not give you collateral even though I have it right here, right now. and will see it back in a second." puts me off man. I hardly trade here but I trade LOTS in steam game swap and tf2outpost. 500+ confirmed trades on my side. If you got collateral. why not just quickly use it? Even when I clearly say "+collateral"

1 decade ago

Main reason is that 4-packs are selling for 5 keys. So I could give someone 5 keys and it's possible that they could tell me to keep the steamgifts and they would then keep the 5 keys and claim that was the deal.

Now I never said that is what you would do, but that is possible. When I see anyone with low rep plus -rep, I have a hard time trusting them. Also, steamtrades rep is not fake-able, since it can only be removed by admins and users that gave the rep or because of other reasons in the thread I linked you, unlike rep on steam profiles, which all -rep can be deleted by the profile's user.

It's also that high rep typically means the trader is trustworthy and it's rare or even non-existent in most examples to get scammed. High rep traders do not want to ruin that good rep. Only instances I have seen are typically users that get their accounts stolen, which is extremely rare.

Plus most traders gain respect for being trustworthy, and get even better trades down the line because of their trustworthiness.

1 decade ago

no screen shot of convo would say otherwise... and I could getbanned. :) so whats up?

1 decade ago

Are you trolling me now? I can link the screenshot if you want...

Anyways, it's been fun, take care and good luck in your future trades.

1 decade ago

you too, never asked more then five keys though, and since you screen shotted I couldn't really run away to break even on my keys... whats the point? but again... what prt of "PLUS collateral" meant you could just by pass it?

1 decade ago

stop calling people out and falsely accusing. It is against the rules and a suspendable/bannable offense

1 decade ago

i would open for u also, but do to my rep being 200 to your 14 I would never give you collateral. just a fyi

1 decade ago

collateral wont be more then a four pack but equal, then minus one for the single copy. sorry if you have the keys and its too easy to just trade it back? why so mad? even when it says (+ collateral)

1 decade ago

Heya, how much is collateral? Not sure exactly how much you want altogether. Is it 4 TF2 keys, then you give back 3 of the keys when I trade you back the other 3 copies of Skullgirls?

1 decade ago

5 keys total, four back once you have the three loose copies ready to trade. tf2 keys or cs go keys only please

1 decade ago

Ok, sounds good ^^ I'll contact you once I get some keys then.

1 decade ago

youy cn also borrow from friends since you will give em right back :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.