If someone picked these two games up during the Holiday Sale (sale price: $2.49 each) and has 'em just sitting in their inventory, I'm up for trading both games for a TF2 Upgrade to Premium Gift (2:1).

Please post here before adding me :)


1 decade ago*

Limbo for it

1 decade ago

Good game and offer; but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. My apologies and thank you for the kind offer :)

1 decade ago

You know that with a few coins I buy an item in TF2 and get premium

1 decade ago

Yep :) All you need is $0.49 :) This offer is mainly for those that might have gotten those two games through trades during Holidays, but didn't/don't have actual cash in - say - their Steam Wallet or Paypal. Some folks find ways to get games through games for very cheap to almost nothing (like playing TF2 and trading for items). That's the target audience :) Thanks for the offer nonetheless.

1 decade ago

the i offer limbo + 3 Dota 2

1 decade ago

Thanks again :) Really good offer, but I already own Dota 2 and ended up giving away all my extras. Appreciate it, though :) I'll probably change the asking offer to TF2 keys instead of games, I guess.

1 decade ago

Painkiller:Back + Fantasy Wars + Hitman: Sniper challenge + Crusader Kings 2:DLC Collection

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.