I have...

I don't have right now any spare key since I gifted the last ones I have and no idea when I will have more, but im up to buy expressly a game or few games for it if doesn't go up from 20€, that I think it's a reasonable price knowing that game when it was not deslisted it was easy to get extremely cheap having a historically low price of less than a 1€.

Open to offers, don't ask for something out of what I said. If you find it unfair just ignore this and move one, I just refuse to pay 50€ or the price of a triple A for it cause the game it's cool but doesn't have that value. And in terms of spend that money I prefer to waste it directly on a triple A instead in on this game.

I want...

The Last Remnant™

3 weeks ago

For info, the grey market price of The Last Remnant is now at 42,67 €, so you will hardly get it for under 40 €, good luck ...

Best for now is maybe wait for a re-release on steam, really low chance that happen, but could happen, since for exemple, Alice : Madness Returns was delisted in Sep 2016, and come back on steam in Fev 2022.

3 weeks ago*

should be able to get it for 70% of that price if he buys tf2 keys :D

3 weeks ago*

Im checking on steamtrades and some people is trading that game for TF2 keys but like 75 keys and i checked and those keys are not that cheap :(

3 weeks ago


This comment was deleted 3 weeks ago.

3 weeks ago*

I know that in grey market it's on that price, but the real value of that game it's not that. As much as I want that game I refuse to pay that much, it's not a fair price and the game it's not that good tbh. But thanks!

3 weeks ago

Tip, if you have a PS4, there a remastered edition on playstation store that cost 20€ -> https://store.playstation.com/fr-fr/product/EP0082-CUSA11846_00-LASTREMNANTBUNDL / same price for nintendo switch -> https://www.nintendo.com/fr-fr/Jeux/Jeux-a-telecharger-sur-Nintendo-Switch/THE-LAST-REMNANT-Remastered-1574928.html?nsuid=70010000016146

Maybe one day this remastered edition will come in steam ...

3 weeks ago

I know there is a remastered edition on console, that's the reason the game got deslisted on Steam but SE never did a port of the remaster on PC, and there are not news of it. And with the recent policies they made im not that sure if it will arrive on PC at some point.

I don't have any console and I switched to PC long time ago, not interested in buying a console anymore. That's the reason im able to trade it for a value of 20€ (that it's the price of the remastered edition on console) that I think it's the fair price. But well, at the end I will depend if i find a person not trying to trade if for more than doble or triple of the price it should cost

I really appreciat your effort in helping me Warriot. Thank you so much :)

3 weeks ago

Last Tip : I sometimes see The Last Remnant on steamgifts (Once every 1-2 months), enter into these giveaways, and maybe ask to the gifter from where the key is ... : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?q=The%20Last%20Remnant%E2%84%A2

3 weeks ago

I only saw one The Last Remnant giveaway but probably because im lvl 0 and im only have visible lvl 0 giveaways. In any case, I hardly doubt it im gonna get it easily, I've checked it and there is people that ask too much for it, in the worst of the cases some people ask for 200-300$ (wtf??).

As usual greedy people trying to get as much profit from games just for the sake that are deslisted. Im not trying to get it for collectionism, but people will take advantage of it, because sadly its the world we live for. I know some people buy a lot of keys of games before they get deslisted (once there are an annoucement of it) and buy all the keys on keyshops to resell it expensive af

Thanks again for your help, but I hardly doubt I will get it easily and people will struggle it to trade it or sell it as a fair price, even if they got it for barely 1€...

3 weeks ago

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