I have...

Trading card sets - always changing!

I want...

TF2 items (Team Fortress 2)
CSGO offers
Payday 2 item offers
RoW gift offers

I currently have the following trading card sets available:

Counter Strike Global Offensive
Deponia Doomsday
Team Fortress 2 x 2
Payday 2 x 5
Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth

These change frequently, so I’ll try to keep this up to date. I’m trading these cards for TF2 items (hats, cosmetics, taunts etc).

Check your inventory! If you have preordered games in the past then you may well have items that have a good value (for instance, the genuine AWPer from a CSGO preorder).

6 years ago*

Closed 5 years ago.