I have...

i have 11 csgo keys

I want...

dying light

only row gifts

9 years ago*

I have 3 copies. All row, 23 CS GO Keys each one.

9 years ago

i have 11keys only sry

9 years ago

I don't know how much the gentleman above paid for his Dying light Gift, but I have access to the Brazilian Steam Store (usually lower prices) and I have to say that 23 CSGO Case keys are worth 159% the value of a single Dying light gift. That means, trader profit aside, that if you purchase Dying light from the trader above, you'd be paying 59% more than what Steam is asking.

I'm not currently buying games in exchange for keys at the moment, but I'll tell you how much it costs me, in CSGO Case Keys equivalent, to buy Dying light from Steam:

  • Normal, single gift = 14.5 CSGO Case Keys
  • Dying Light Ultimate Edition = 19.6 CSGO Case Keys
  • Complete 4-pack (normal edition) = 43.5 CSGO Case Keys
  • A single copy from a 4-pack = 10.9 CSGO Case Keys
  • Season pass = 5.1 CSGO Case Keys

This is just so you know, be careful with who you trade with.

9 years ago

add me to discuss

9 years ago

As I said, I'm not currently buying games in exchange for keys at the moment. I have yet to buy Dying Light for myself even.

9 years ago*

The brazillian copies are probably region locked though.

9 years ago

I've only had one region locked game in my steam inventory in my entire life and it was a gift from a friend, I activated it. I purchased all steam gifts in my inventory myself and none of them are region locked.
The game was Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition, in case you're curious.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.