I have...

Easiest to look here.
If you have a barter account, easiest to trade me there too, just make an offer.
If not, just comment here and we'll deal.

I want...

Destiny 2
ONLY looking for Destiny 2 right now.
Don't offer anything else here. Welcome to make an offer for other stuff on Barter.vg, but I'm not likely to trade any big valuables right now except for Destiny 2.
Tons of other indie games though, so feel free to browse.

I'm looking to trade for Destiny 2. Willing to trade in your favor with a STACKED trade of valuables and anything less valuable you want too.
https://barter.vg/u/37f9/t/ Find a set of games you'll trade for it. I have tons of the recent big name Humble games plus lots of gems with high W:H ratios and plenty of random games to just add on for fun. I'm looking for D2 Asap. Add me to trade. (Easy to do on my Barter.vg link)

5 years ago*

Closed 5 years ago.