This user randomly added me, and with no introduction and barely any games, I figured they were either just going to offer a simple bundle/card trade or, at worst, beg for games.

They then added me, asking if I would trade a TF2 key for some cards. I said "NO", but I would be interested in trading for some games if he has any. To which he replies that the cards WERE games. HAHAHAHAHAAH. He even opened up a trade window (scam alert popped up instantly) to show me his CSGO cards, insisting it was the game. I actually had to laugh out loud. :)

So, technically this post is useless, I doubt anyone would fall for this, but I just had to share one of the funniest scam attempts I've had in a long while. Feel free to share your own. :)

9 years ago*

lol I wish you recorded the whole thing. It reminds me of a dumb imposter I once encountered.

9 years ago

Yeah, I closed the message without thinking - I should have really kept a copy for lols. :)

9 years ago

Heh fail acammers are funny :) good work shaming n stuffs :)

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.