I have...

TF2 Keys
Steam Wallet

I want...

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Dungeon of the Endless

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 3 Keys / 6€ Steam Wallet
Dungeon of the Endless 2 Keys/ 4€ Steam Wallet

7 years ago*

Added you to steam for dungeon of the endless, i have tradable steam gift copy.

7 years ago*

Shadows of Mordor GOTY is generally around $6 when on sale. That means you would need 4 TF2 minimum generally to buy it, with the seller receiving about $1 profit.

7 years ago

I've seen it been sold around 4$ in Key format so no ty

7 years ago

Not the GOTY. Only the base game.

7 years ago

No, It was the Goty. Idk if was pure luck or something but anyways, I can wait

7 years ago

That was a pricing error btw. There won't be such heavy discounted copies anymore after so long. You MIGHT get lucky and find someone but chances are pretty slim.

Unless they put it on sale somewhere for that low , chances are you won't find it at those prices.

7 years ago

Already got it for 2 keys, thank you all

7 years ago

Woot! Glad you found someone.

7 years ago

Hi, Shadow of Mordor: GOTY for 5$ Steam Wallet? Thanks

7 years ago


7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.