
+Rep, good trader

5 days ago Permalink

+rep Fast and smooth

1 week ago Permalink

good trader

2 weeks ago Permalink

+rep Fast and reliable trader! Recommended :)

2 weeks ago Permalink

+rep nice trader

3 weeks ago* Permalink

+rep , Fast trader

3 weeks ago Permalink

+rep fast and smooth trade

8 months ago Permalink

+rep trustworthy and reliable

9 months ago Permalink

Awesome trader, trustworthy.

*Feedback for a trade completed 1 year ago

9 months ago Permalink

+rep great guy

9 months ago Permalink


9 months ago Permalink

This guy gave me an invalid key for 2 TF2 Keys, at the beg he asked for 3, but there's a bundle with the same game
of the same price, I just remove him from my friend and after a couple hours he added me again, he said that 2 TF2 was OK, but gave me an invalid code, as I said (just like my proof image) my Steam app has a problem, cause I cant send screen shots, so i tríes to talk yo him, tellin exactly the situation and the url when I share the proof.
Its a long Story but I have no problem for tellin the complete Story on my post.
My first bad Rep for someone, it sucks, but hes a scammer, careful with him and his keys.

1 year ago Permalink

+rep Nice trade

1 year ago Permalink

+rep reasonable and friendly trader

1 year ago Permalink

+rep nice trader

1 year ago Permalink

+REP fast trade

1 year ago Permalink

+rep , Fast trader

1 year ago Permalink

+REP. Very Fast and Reliable Trader.

1 year ago Permalink

I did some trades with him multiple times without a hinge and I gave him a +rep back then, but now I'm changing that based on this experience.

In short: Back in August, he offered me a 12$ Green Man Gaming gift card code. I was skeptical, he never offered me a gift card for trade before and I didn't know GMG had a gift card for 12$. I asked about the source, and he gave me a vague answer about he reselling it. I asked about a price and we settled on 5 TF2 key. I was really surprised he accepted this for the code to be honest. After that I asked him to send the code first to test it, he acknowledge it, but went offline little bit after that. I haven't wrote him next day, but he did contacted me again later at night about another offer. I was interested in it, but I asked about the GMG code which we negotiated before and more about the trade. At first he didn't gave me any answer, so I called him out more and I let him know that I'm not mad about the code, but more about the whole situation. He told me he activated the code to buy something on GMG, but he didn't wanted to tell me what did he bought with it and he didn't wanted to show me any details he redeemed the code on GMG. I persuade the situation more to learn what really happened (which looks quite ridiculous from me), and later he started to beg me to forget about this situation, but the whole thing was just weird, so I let him know that I don't want to talk with him ever again in a later message and blocked him.

You can read the messages about the trade and persuading the answer here:

I think if he really did a mistake accepting my offer, I gave him the chance to explain that and I would have accepted it and let it go, we all make mistakes, however that was not the case as you can see, but I really couldn't care about the whole thing... until now.

Today, one of my friend contacted me in his name and asked me, that am I still mad at him.

I wasn't mad back then, nor now, thank you for asking, but I told you that I want nothing to do with you, I especially didn't wanted you to involve more people to reach me about this long gone matter, but you reminded just today about it.

I should have wrote this rep before to let others know, this trader can be insensitive and inpatient, can spam you with his offers, even if you let him know you are not interested in it and he could be shady certain times.

True, I lost no items in that "trade" (nor I got any), but this situation is worth to let others know about this ordeal. This is not a revenge rep, if I wanted to do something like that, I would have already change this rep back in the summer.

EDIT (2023. 09. 02.): Starting from April this year, user is trying to contact me to do several trades on my post on Steam and even on my profile's comment section. After ignoring these messages, it instead started to demanding me to delete this review under my trading post on Steam, and wants to trade with me still. I let him know, that it can reply to this review at any time to get into a vote to remove it - as it is the official way to handle such reviews, as we know - but he don't want to take this route, obviously. After a few comments from it, I decided to add this part in my review about it.

Comments under my post in the past 12 days:
As I saw, it tries to contact other(s) who left negative reviews on it with the same demand.

The user is trying to clear its name, but I don't think that asking others to delete their review is the answer to this problem. I already suggested the official way to handle this, by leaving a review on this comments. Either face these allegations or keep trading and ignore them.

There is no point to spam me more on Steam about this, I won't change my mind and it just shows you haven't changed a bit. I still don't recommend to trade with him, and if it keeps contacting me anyhow, I will add another edit part about his ordeal back in April in this year, which perfectly resembles what kind of "trader" it is.

1 year ago* Permalink

+rep I think we’ve done trades before.

1 year ago Permalink

-REP Be careful with this guy, he faked some trades with me for my friends so I blocked him on steam, then he ask for his friends for the last 5 days add me to bother me or for my friends talk with me about him, like "do u know omar? he said that he have your games for trade"...

1 year ago* Permalink

+Rep fast and smooth trade

1 year ago Permalink

+rep, good trader,^recommended

1 year ago Permalink

+Rep good trader

1 year ago Permalink

+rep Idled for me

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep very good trader, you can trust him <3

2 years ago Permalink

+REP, polite & reliable, recommended !!

2 years ago Permalink
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