
Left me a negative review because I didnt see a random offer he sent me on steam a couple of days ago, and he got mad.
Didnt even bother trying to add me on steam or write me a message on Steamtrades.
Went straight for the negative review. Oh boy.
Best avoid this child, he clearly has anger issues and not much to do in life.

1 year ago* Permalink

Wrote me negative review in revenge. Also he deleted 2 negative -rep from his profile, I don't remember who wrote the first one, but the second was my, and the first -rep was few years old, look at So he already not a fair person or a good trader!
After sending him trade offer in steam for his price -1key, I was looking for 3days how he was playing games, ignoring my offer and just simply can't click a decline offer button or send a counteroffer. He already don't deserve a +rep because I was not satisfied with his service in first place. Im telling you, if you want your offer to expire or if you want to buy GEARCRACK Arena + Soundtrack -15 keys or Starvoid Gift - 28 Keys then you can send him offers, only don't forget "Prices may vary from the ones posted" so if he will see that someone selling this crap for more, then he will also ask more from you. So look, he left me negative review in revenge, blocked me and cleared my negative review from his profile, of course declined my offer because his greed did not allow him to accept 1key less, and twice wasted my time already. Ask yourself people, do you want to make any deal with such "traders". Better aslo BLOCK HIM IN STEAM NOW to make sure you won't be dealing with such greedy timewaster and rep remover.

edit: this system is clearly broken, im first who wrote a review (because had issues with this "trader" and was not happy with his service) but remain with negative rep, while everyone else will continue to think that he is a good "trader" with perfect rep, as it appear that you can just clean your -rep here, as "community voted to remove your negative review for this user" and you can't write him again. Fucking site, next time will report on steamrep directly.

1 year ago* Permalink
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