I have...

Yeah title was both clickbait and not.

I kindly request from everyone who sees this post to look up their last trades and chats with me if we were involved in a such trade. I can't remember all the dudes I made a deal and I am kinda lazy about it. Any help appreciated.

And one thing for sure I'll use this thread to expose people who are not willing the give BO4 Standard Edt which I paid. Any other scammer will be honored in this thread aswell.

And just one another thing. I or no one need to pay extra key or whatever. The game got upgraded for free. Reselling,retrading or any other purpose is not your business, once the game's price is paid and deal is made the buyer has every right to do with it. Since we are no oracle there is no need to be greedy to ask for more for a so called better version of it.

Fucking Humble.

5 years ago*

Hello friend, what happened?

5 years ago

I'm telling you here, you're right, I voted to eliminate the review. He is angry nothing more.

4 years ago

He uses his anger against mine in which situation we go nowhere. I don't want to use you as a guardian angel but I don't run into problems every day. My guts tell me often the right. He is indeed fishy.

4 years ago

In my country there is a saying, "who plays with children, he urinates in bed" you have to be careful with new users, most of them are good people but there are cases of very sick people in the head.

see this for example, this guy scammer me. https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/BR9Gh/scammer-here

This is like working in the office, you find everything class of people.

4 years ago

You see I am the first one who exposed him. I mean... it was obvious yet other people traded with him.

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.