I have...

I am going to Pause this month on 05/18 and use the money to buy the Jurassic Bundle from Humble. So I figured I would make a final offer post to get a more worth while trade from it.


I want...

Jurassic Bundle

Along with:
Neon Abyss Deluxe and Mutant Year One: Road to Eden Deluxe from the Hand Held Power Bundle

Some may think this is a terrible trade. Since the Jurassic bundle and Handheld PC Power Bundle be far more available then Monthly Choice. Figured on asking for a bit more.

That's all I want.

1 year ago*

I will close this post and skip the May Choice Bundle in about 12 hours from this post! At the same time I will buy the Jurassic Park Bundle.

So, if you want to do a trade. That is your window. I will check for trades up to the last minute. I will be back on in about 7 hours from this post and will be on most of the day.

1 year ago

Closed 1 year ago.