interested in any?
Sorry. I'm only interested in games I say above. If you have any of them or you have CS:GO/TF2 keys, we can talk about it.
you trade some of 2 for this game Hello From Indiana game taken from steam ?
Saw you have some games in wishlist, i can sell for paypal. Here is my whole list maybe you will be interested in something more
From that threat I'm interested in Red Dead Redemption 2 and maybe Doom Eternal, but I'd want'em only in exchange for the games I'm offering here and not for money or case keys.
Add me if you are interested in any of my games and you would like to offer any of yours.
[H] Nioh Complete Edition
[W] 22 Tf2 keys (based on your pricing of FM 11 and the prices on G2A)
Hi Gallifrey, clone of trenzalore on Steam, Lyzander 77 on Steamtrades.
I only want NioH in exchange for Football Manager 2011. Actually if I wanted to buy NioH I would do it on Steam, where is cheaper than your hated grey markets.
Have a nice day and good luck with your toxic behaviour :)
Again, not sure who you are referring to but OK. On my country's Steam store the complete edition is $75.95 AUD while the grey markets (why do you hate them?) show $13.49 AUD for them so a LOT cheaper.
But thanks for your reply anyway. I guess the etiquette here is very different than what I am used to.
Have a lovely day.
I already have AoW3:
Hey , do you want 82 steam awards for a TF2 key ? those help you level up or buy items from your shop...
Hi, im interested in PES 2017, I can pay with Tf2 keys or paypal. Will add you on steam.
I'm sorry but I only trade the games of this thread for TF2 keys, PayPal or some specific games, which I'm pointing in the table in case I'm interested in anyone.
Depends of what games do you offer. Since the games I'm offering are quite valuable I don't take bundle games or freebies.
I think there was major misunderstanding between us pleasse add me on steam when you see this again. I am sorry
hey, it seems that you have experience trading with nba games.
im having trouble selling 2 steam gift copies of NBA 2K16: Michael Jordan Edition, and if you are interested you can add me and we can discuss pricing on these 2 gifts. If you are not a reseller and you are just selling your own personal copies my mistake, thanks for your time.
Hi. I appreciate your interest, thank you.
I can be interested in one of your NBA copies, but only in exchange of my removed games. According with it prices in the grey markets, I could trade my Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 copy for one of you NBA 2K16 copies. You can add me if you are interested in this trade.
hey, thanks for your fast response.
I have a couple of concerns:
this trade seems to be very good for me if I had only the base game, however I would like to get some overpay for having the Michael Jordan Edition. I can still definitely go a lot lower than the price of the Michael Jordan Edition on greys however.
Secondly, you seem to have some concerns about your keys working, so I was wondering if it was okay if I resold your games because I am trading strictly for value. I am interested in stuff like tf2 keys.
you are free to add me for discussion.
Hi. I haven't found anything interesting in your list, but I see you have TF2 keys in your inventory so I can trade FIFA 20 for 7 TF2 keys + 1 ToD.
Hi, I have Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. Would you trade for FIFA 20. I'm sorry I can't afford anything expensive right now.
here are all the games i have to trade, are we able to make a deal?
Pumpkin Jack 1x GOG Code
Monster Train 1x GOG Code
Hard West 2 1x GOG Code
Dishonored Definitive Edition 1x GOG Code
Hell Pie 1x GOG Code
DOOM Eternal 1x Windows Code
Lost Eidolons 1x Steam Code
Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader + Deluxe, Voidfarer Packs + Season Pass
(Region Locked i'm not sure where it is locked to you'll have to try it to find out)
This keys are coming from new and sealed physical copies purchased by me on a regional physical store.
Additional tags: WWE 2017, WWE2K17, delisted, removed
0.5 TF2 keys = 1 ToD
Additional tags:
Write a message here before adding me. I won't accept friend requests from private profiles if they don't write a message here before.
You can find my real Steam profile clicking on my Steamtrades name and then clicking on 'Visit Steam profile', under my feedback.
My Steam profile is lvl 85, I have 800 games, +9700 achievements unlocked and my profile ain't private. Be careful.