I have...

[H] Portal 2 ROW Gift

Note : Out of Stock

I want...

[W] 3 CS:GO Keys / 3 TF2 Keys for each (Prefer CS:GO Keys over TF2 Keys)

  • Tradable Copies : 3 Keys each
  • Not Tradable Copies : 5 Keys for 2 copies, 7 Keys for 3 copies and 9 keys for 4 copies.

2.5 Keys for each copy but I usually sell them in bulk to one trader

For 0.5K : I also accept trading cards & emoticons worth more than 1$. (Around 1.25$)

Prices based on sale. I reserve the right to decline any trades even if they meet my requirements without giving you the reason for it. I will not go first if you have legit negative reps or 'pending' or accepted SteamRep report

My SteamRep profile : Kaka O'Camper | 9lag

| steamname: Kaka O'Camper | 9lag
| steam3ID: [U:1:8981806]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:4490903
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197969247534
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kaka9lag
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197969247534

Gifts become tradable 30 days after purchase. I'll go first if you have more and clean reps else you have to go first. Sold 10 copies so far to :

Users No. of Copies Date
Past1rma 1 Redeemed on 23 Apr 2015
SkullDrummer512 1 Redeemed on 27 Apr 2015
Wasa5a 2 Redeemed on 29 Apr & 2 Jun 2015
DwiDs 1 Redeemed on 10 May 2015
twistytree11 1 Redeemed on 5 July 2015
mozface 2 Redeemed on 10 July 2015
Hanacaraka 2 Redeemed on 23 July 2015

Since I buy it through my wallet, its not tradable for 30 days. Dont worry you can always gift it either directly through steam or through email. I've traded with these people and they can vouch for me. All my gifts are bought in India and therefore they are ROW (Rest Of World) and not restricted in any ways.

Add me if you are interested!

8 years ago*

Dragon age origin for Portal 2?

8 years ago

No, thank you for the offer :)

8 years ago

Skyrim or Chivalry: Medieval Warfare?

8 years ago

Thanks for the trade, again :)

8 years ago*

Bought 2 copies of Portal

8 years ago

bought 2 copies Portal 2 row gift
thanks for the trade

8 years ago

Thank you.. +Rep :)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.