Hello! I'm using Firefox and the replies page only partially works. In my own topics, it only shows replies to the topic. If I reply to a comment in my topic, the next reply never shows in my replies page, so I have to scroll through my topic and try to notice which replies are new.

Is this normal for everyone?

1 decade ago*

I don't think it's just Firefox. The same thing happens to me in both Firefox and Chrome.

1 decade ago

I think you should receive a notification of this comment, but if you reply to the next comment, I won't get a notification. That's because this is the first comment in reply to a new thread of comments. Your next one will be two steps in, which is too far for the system to handle.

1 decade ago

Imagine this comment is Lunk's. I would not get a notification of it on my replies page.

1 decade ago

Same thing happens to me and I'm using Chrome.

1 decade ago

It's always been this way, actually.
As for support, I've been told to use the Steamgift support for Steamtrades, too.

1 decade ago

I guessed at that and gave it a try. They have a description of the problem and a link to this thread. Hopefully that will work out.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.