I have...

[H] Verified PayPal

I want...

[W] CSGO Keys, Dota 2 Keys, TF2 Keys


Verified Paypal Balance, I can pay in $, €, or any currency you want as long as there are no currency exchange fees.

As for Payment fees, I will cover them as long as it's still in normal range.

CSGO keys (Chroma / Phoenix / Vanguard / Huntsman / Breakout / eSports / Winter Offensive) or TF2 keys (Mann Co Crate Key) . Add me to discuss if you have good offers.

Please post here, and then add me for fast trade.

9 years ago*

Hi. I have 4 TF keys and 2 CS:GO eSports keys. Would you like to trade? Just add me if you want.

9 years ago*

How many keys are you looking for? im in the process of converting my steam wallet into paypal and can provide a steady stream of keys.

Mind you, I will need $CAD not USD

Edit: You took my 20 CSGO keys and then blocked me??

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.