Offer me a job!


I am willing to provide a service of a sort in return for cards, coupons, etc. Stuff you dont want/need. Or nothing really, unless you are truly satisfied.

I can organize your topics by listing items in alphabetical order, linked, price tagged, etc.

I can create lists of games, keys, cards, TF2 Items, DOTA 2 Items, CSGO Items, and others! in your inventory.

I am not picky, so any form of payment would satisfy me.



-In game Items

-Game Keys

-TF2 Keys


Satisfied Customer!

&ScoFFeR& (ง'̀-'́)ง Jan 21 @ 7:56pm
Very helpful and friendly, wanted help me selflessly. He helped me in the things for which I wanted to do a long time ago. BIG +REP for this user!:)

Proof at the bottom of my page

1 decade ago*

Now this, ladies and gentlemen is how you moonlighting :P

As my father once said, if you are good in something - never do it for free.

Joker said it too
1 decade ago

You mean what this site does for free and much more easily and quickly?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

It doesn't do cards, TF2 Items, CSGO items, Dota 2 items, ONLY games.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.