Aren't you all fed up with sights like this becoming more and more common? So am I. Therefore, this is a warning. Do not open or leave open more than two trading threads at once, especially for the same thing. Do not "invisibly" bump your thread every two minutes. I have begun suspending and I am not giving you just a light slap on the wrist for this amount of spam. Now, I'm more of an SG mod, I'm not good with STrades, so, please, feel free to point me towards anyone who needs it, preferably with evidence. Might as well use this thread for it. This is going to stop.

Update: This problem should never have been allowed to get to this point (and I likely would have been okay with it if the bumps were at least staggered rather than bumping six threads at once), so I'm probably going to seem overly harsh to some of you, cracking down on everything severely. Now that this is stickied, I'll give everyone a grace period of twenty-four hours (until 7:30 PM UTC, 7th) to reorganise their threads and close down any duplicates. After that, I will begin to suspend without warning.

Edit: Time's up. Suspensions begin now.

Update 2: After a talk with Yatterman, two trading threads is now acceptable, as long as they are not identical.

Update 3: Just found a nifty bug(?) on the site that'll let me close the offending threads without officially having any powers on Strades. Feel free to link the threads in future and I'll close them too.

Update 4: As some may already know, my activity will drop massively as of right now. I'll still be dealing with SteamTrades stuff whenever I can, but expect me to be a little slow on it.

1 decade ago*

Closed 6 years ago.