Feel free to offer me anything for anything, all games except one are Steam keys (I live in UK to prevent region problems), although you can offer me anything I may not take those offers, I am looking for games that are good, probably slightly recent but I am into some older games too. Speed Runners 4 Pack would be great (for multiple keys. Basically just make an offer and I'll get back to you then I will add you on Steam. EDIT: I will trade multiples for games worth more, not just 1:1

Post here your offers

Steam Keys:

Project Aftermath


Velocity Ultra

Electronic Super Joy: Groove City TAKEN


Imperial Glory


Blades of Time Limited Edition TAKEN

UFO Extraterrestrials Gold TAKEN

Thunder Wolves

Puzzle Kingdoms TAKEN

STORM: Frontline Nation

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator


Gorky 17 TAKEN

Steam Game:
Gun Monkeys

9 years ago*

Hello. Would you like to trade Electronic Super Joy: Groove City for Not the robots?

9 years ago

Sure, I'll add you on Steam

9 years ago

Hi, would you maybe like one of the following in exchange for Explodemon?

3 Stars of Destiny

Ballpoint Universe: Infinite

Battlestations: Midway


Rogue's Tale

Strategic War in Europe

The Howler

Thief Gold

9 years ago

No, sorry

9 years ago

Oh, just noticed you also have Septerra Core! I'd be interested in that as well.

9 years ago

payday for speed runners

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.