Only 2 keys left

To ensure a smooth transaction, I'll only respond to a friend
request to the first 10 people who post in this thread.
I'll not respond to a random friend request.

Again, I'll not respond to random friend request.

What I'm looking for is just a few minutes of your time in following these instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign up for an account.
  3. Include your facebook account.
  4. Add your email.
  5. You should have about 900 currency at this point.
  6. Send 100 currency to my account. This should give you back 100 more which makes your balance 900.
  7. Send 850 currency to my account again. You need a balance of 50 credits to your wallet.
  8. Once the transaction is completed. I'll send you one Tour of Duty ticket.
9 years ago*

I Add you ;)

9 years ago

Alright, your spot is reserved. Please wait till I'm available on steam to trade with you. That should be within 7 to 8 hours from now.

9 years ago

Ok, thank you ;)

9 years ago

I can do it :), add me when you're ready

9 years ago

Alright, got your spot reserved. I'll add you and do the trade after 6 - 7 hours when I'm home.

9 years ago

Thanks!, btw, what's your timezone, here is like 22:07 ;)

9 years ago

Currenly online right now. It is 5:10 pm in the afternoon my time.

9 years ago

I'm willing to do this!

9 years ago

As far as I can tell, steller currency is valid for trading.. I don't also see anywhere in the rule to not trade for this. Go ahead and add me. I'll be online on steam within 6 - 7 hours.

9 years ago

Fair enough. and after all, i did write "I'm not sure if this is allowed", highlighting the "not sure" bit.

See you in 6-7 hours

9 years ago

Ah, no prob. Its always good to be be hesitant with any trade.
I'll see you later as well.

9 years ago

Just traded him, and received his end of the bargain.
Thanks again :)

9 years ago

Hey I am sorry, You can give my spot to someone else. :)

  • more slot from me.
9 years ago

No problem. There might still be some slots open later when I'm ready to do the trade with everyone. Check back later if in anycase you change your mind :)

9 years ago

1 tod for 900 str,nice =))

9 years ago

Interested? Just add me on steam and we'll do the trade in 4 to 5 hours when I come home.

9 years ago

I don't think he meant like that :)

9 years ago

Add me if you still do this.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.