I have...

Second Chance Heroes - Rare removed game from Steam store (ROW key)

I want...
  • CS:GO Keys
  • TF 2 Keys
  • Steam Wallet


Well, I was actually going to create a giveaway for the game, but since I couldn't find it on the list, went to check why it wasn't listed there, and realized it's been removed from Steamstore this year.

The game was developed to be a PC/Mac title, but since it took too long to be aproved on Greenlight, it was released first for iOS, and a few months later on Steam, and finally on PSN.

Nowadays, the game has no facebook page or an active website, and even its developer's website shutdown, Additional information regarding it can be found on the links bellow:

The game cost was $14.99.

Removal from Steam

Why was the game removed from Steam? I'm not even sure, but it looks like it was because of their server shutdown, so you can't play it online - just singleplayer since then.

Keys source

Where I got the keys from? I got them directly from the dev on September last year, after I translated their marketing text for the PS4, and the dev said "These are promo keys for steam. You can do whatever you like with them.", so I bet I can trade them.

I still got the game on my account, and I can launch and play it normally.

I have traded 4 copies of the game prior to making it an auction for the last key, and they all worked fine. I currently have only ONE key left for trading.

The trader

I'm not in a rush to trade them, so no pressure and patience,please. I'm kindly listening to offers at the moment, so I can value what I have, as I've never been involved in this kind of trading before. That's currently more important to me than the trade itself.

I'm brazilian (a honest one, if you can believe), living at a GMT -4 time. During my worktime on weekdays, I may get online on steam, but usually I'm busy and can't pay enough attention to this, so I'm usually available at nights and weekends.

I love collecting coop games, even though I usually don't have time or even a person to play with, but I do love the concept of them. Most of my trades were done on this topic, where I trade my bundled games for other bundled games.

9 years ago*

I'd vaguely heard of the game before (seems it was one of those I added to my wishlist intending to check out later) but didn't realise it was gone until now. They should have done a better job of promoting it, maybe you should have used the promo keys sooner. :P

Anyway, congrats on your rare catch, hope they're still working. Unless you can find anyone who's specifically looking for this game, you should probably get in touch with some of the big removed game collectors and see what they're valuing it at. At the moment I can see one gift copy available on tf2outpost, someone else with a key (possibly more) here, and some dodgy looking sites claiming to have keys for sale, but other than that it looks pretty rare, so you'll probably get a decent price/offer for it.

9 years ago*

Thank you for your input. I actually held the keys as I would pass to some friends to play along, but since the game doesn't feature online play at the moment, that doesn't make much sense.

9 years ago

I'd be interested in the game but you would have to give the code first considering the situation and I guess because of +rep. That is if you are interested in anything below.

(Have Steam Gifts) All ROW and Tradeable

ORION: Dino Horde
Gun Monkeys
The Ship - 2 Pack Gift
PAYDAY™ The Heist
Dead Island: Epidemic
Murder Miners
Space Farmers
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle
Electronic Super Joy: Groove City
Takedown: Red Sabre
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge
Heileen 3: New Horizons
Final Exam

(Have Keys)

Orcs Must Die! +DLC
Final Slam 2
GTR Evolution
Crystals of Time
Space Hack
Street Racing Syndicate
Hyper Fighters
Gun Metal
CT Special Forces
Incoming Forces
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
Litil Divil
Soul Gambler: Dark Arts Edition
Glacier 3: The Meltdown
Crash Time 2
Huntsman: The Orphanage
Kingdom Elemental
Weird Worlds
Steel & Steam
Sinister City
Metal Planet
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate
Making History II: The War of the World
Zero Gear
Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition
A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2 Dual Pack
Skyward Collapse
Voyage: Journey to the Moon
Revenge of the Titans
Muffin Knight
Silence of the Sleep
9 years ago

I suppose it was clear that I'd value it more than some bundled game or cheap gift... so no, thanks.

9 years ago*

Hey thanks so much for the condescending tone. I didn't know you would "suppoe" that was clear. From what I read, you got a game for free and you didn't even know if it would work. Good luck to you.

9 years ago

I guess you can't really complain about me being rude after pointing at a typo like that...

As clearly stated, I didn't get it for "free", it got it as some sort of "payment" for a job done for the devs.

I can't believe anyone here won't find it offensive to offer something like Space Hack in a trade, as it's been free before, and is currently free... even for a bundled game, even more for something rare and limited. It's like calling the other person retarded, but maybe I'm the only one that sees that way.

And yes, of course I'd go first in a trade, to ensure it works. It's common sense, but maybe some people lack that and it's not their fault.

Well, thanks for the bump, anyway. Sorry for sounding too condescending, I guess I should have ignored your post instead, as I first intended to do, as clearly you didn't mean to offend me as I've taken it.

9 years ago*

  1. The typo was pointed out only after your condescending tone.
  2. Fair enough that you did a job for the devs to acquire the promo key(s).
  3. I put a blanket list out of all my games in case you were interested. I didn't think you would be interested in the free ones but I could have traded multiple games from the lot and just thrown in some of the free ones.
  4. Instead of taking the condescending route or the post ignoring route... a simple no thanks would have worked too. Doing it this way really gets your point across though and hopefully I can serve as an example to all the other people who want to post offers for "some bundled game or cheap gift".. that you are clearly not interested.

Thanks again and very sorry to have wasted all of your time here. Good luck to you again and have one last free bump.

9 years ago*

Thanks... not much of wasted time, at least we found some common ground. Have a nice day.

9 years ago

family guy (removed Activision game) for it or The Talos Principle+METAL GEAR SOLID V?

9 years ago

Is it Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse? Didn't even know it was removed as well, had it on wishlist for a while. I'll think about it more, and I'll reply later, since I can't decide which offer is better, thanks.

9 years ago

yep, Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse. added u.

9 years ago

Hi there, I added you on Steam to discuss, I have many games to offer, cheers!

9 years ago

Crea gift and Virtua Tennis 4 (removed game) gift for it?

8 years ago

added on steam to discuss ill beat any offer..

8 years ago

I have many friends of the removed here, some really hard to beat as I already know them :P, but add me on Steam if you are considering offers from one more person, thanks :)

8 years ago

Howdy. Added ya to discuss.

8 years ago

Added to discuss.

8 years ago

i think already all collectors from steamgifts wrote here^^

8 years ago

Quem sabe ser também brasileiro (e também honesto) me dá alguma vantagem por aqui... também coleciono jogos removidos, e tenho uma porção deles para trocas. Vamos negociar? Se não quiser jogos removidos, podemos conversar em keys ou grana via paypal ou bancos. Também podemos simplesmente conversar sobre o assunto, já entrei pelo cano algumas vezes em relação a jogos removidos e posso te passar minhas experiências. Um abraço!

8 years ago*

Got a giftable copy of depth if that's up your street?

8 years ago

Do you still have any Second Chance Heroes keys?

I can do games or $$.

8 years ago

still have it? i'm very interested and actually would like to play it :S

8 years ago*

would like to start the bidding at $35.. feel free to negotiate with me or other interested buyers

8 years ago

Whoa, sorry everyone, I've been a little away from the forums for a while. Looks like my notifications weren't working for a while and I totally forgot about it.

That being said, I still have all the keys, haven't traded any so far.

8 years ago

thanks for the update, can't wait to try and get my hands on one of those suckers!

8 years ago

Sorry guys, I've been a little away.

I just did my first trade of a key for the game, and it worked perfectly. Wew!

The price was 15 CS:GO keys, which made me really happy, and I'd love to get the same price again.

I still have a few keys left, for anyone interested.

8 years ago

FF13 or/and Lara Croft Temple of Osiris

8 years ago

No, thanks...

8 years ago

Crasher (Removed steam key) + Paypal?

8 years ago

Hmm... so far I only traded one of my keys for 15 CS:GO keys. I'm not even sure I'd be wise for me to get another removed game just for the sake of collection, I guess I'd rather make a larger profit instead.

8 years ago

CID the Dummy ?

8 years ago


EDIT: just noticed it's another removed game. Not interested, thanks.

8 years ago*

Just did another trade, this time for Steam Wallet directly.

Done 2 trades so far: 15 CS:GO keys and $40 Steam wallet.

Only a few keys left!

8 years ago

Added to discuss.

8 years ago

It's been quite a while since I last saw this, and I'm somewhat suprised you still have it for trade.. But that's not the point.
To get us back onto the actual point here, you might or might not remember when I foolishly offered 10 TF2 keys for it. Unsuprisingly, that was a rather shitty offer on my end, but I had forgotten all about this up until now, and deleted the comment where I made that offer here.
Bringing us to right now, I offer you $40 PayPal instead of the shitty deal that was 10 TF2 keys for Second Chance Heroes. In any case, I just thought I'd try making one last offer on this before the end of the year, so if you choose not to take me up on this, I completely understand - No hard feelings, and you won't have to put up with me from here on out.

A few complications with all this, though: I myself had used PayPal the other day to complete some trades of my own, so I currently cannot send you $40 at this moment in time (As I don't actually have the money atm). Therefore, for the time being, I'll just keep a watchful eye on this trade, see what happens, as I'm not sure if or when I'll come around to pay for a copy of the game.

However it turns out (Or what you decide, as the ball's in your court) I do wish you best of luck at trading. With that, I'll shut up now.

8 years ago

Hey, thanks for the offer, and happy new year.

I still have a few keys left, and I'd be happy to trade with you. The value you offered seems fair, and I surely can "reserve" one of the keys for you, whenever you're able to trade for them.

I'm not a fan of paypal myself, currently prefering to get the sum on Steam directly instead (either as CS:GO keys, that I'd end up selling on steam market), or steam wallet itself, but I guess we can give it a shot whenever you're ready.

8 years ago

In that case, I can just pick up 2x $20 steam wallet codes from the store whenever I can, instead of relying on PayPal. Much appreciated, will see when I can actually complete this trade.

8 years ago*

Just one doubt - do you know how will steam convert the currency? I'm from Brazil, so I use "BRL". Never worked with wallet codes before, not even in my currency.

8 years ago

I don't really know how steam converts currencies, tbh, despite having worked with wallet codes plenty of times before (I'm from the US, so I use "USD").

8 years ago


Can I redeem a Steam Wallet code that is in a different currency?

Yes, however you will be prompted to convert the value of the Steam Wallet code to the currency of your Steam Wallet as shown below. The daily currency conversion rate will be applied.

I guess it'll work fine. Just wondering now if I can check the conversion rates. If it matches the market conversion rate, it'll be fine.

8 years ago

My attempts to search for any kind of market conversion rate calculator or conversion rate between USD and BRL online ended in complete failure due to lack of relevant info that related to this particular case. Maybe I'm just incomptetent at online searches.

Edit: I will add you on steam the minute I have the wallet codes available for this trade. Thanks again!

8 years ago*

added to buy 1 copy for 15 cs keys.

8 years ago*

Thanks for the trade.

8 years ago

thanks as well.

8 years ago

Just a quick update for the interested parties, another key was traded, and now I have one FINAL key for the game only.

8 years ago

added for Second Chance Heroes

8 years ago

Guys, I have only one key left, and 4 people added me today for the game... so unfortunatly, I can only trade the final key for one person!

To make things simpler, how do you guys feel about an "open auction" for the last key? I guess it'd be the most fair way, so people could reply to this post and make their offer, while also being able to check if their bid is high enough, and so on...

I could set up an ending time for it, so people would know exactly when it would end, for let's say one week, and the highest bid would get the trade.

Is it reasonable, fair, or what? Is it against the rules?

We could set up a minimum reputation for biding, to well, reduce chance of people joking around.

8 years ago

i'd be willing to trade you ride to hell retribution(removed from store) for it

8 years ago

No, thanks.

8 years ago*

Okay, I've just changed the thread to the "auction" format. Feel free to give suggestions, as I am also a bit clueless about an optimal format. Also, feel free to place your bids.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.