any combo for deus ex + dlc? Flatout, Portal, Ship and Ship 2-pack, Worms, Alien Breed 2, King's Bounty: The Legend, X-Blades, Kung Fu Strike, i have also dota2 items
I'm vaguely interested in portal but have no interest in bundle keys or anything else you are offering. I guess I should copy that over from my other thread.
also, no thanks.
civ 5 for your quantum, just in case you don't respond in the next half hour I will be gone for a good bit of time
dota 2 has been given out so much, I doubt it's even worth 1$ anymore, no thanks
my game list if interested
Swedish Indie Pack (Harvest: Massive Encounter, Blueberry Garden, The Ball, Dwarfs!?, Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West, Hamilton's Great Adventure, Bob Came in Pieces, Saira, Puzzle Dimension, Noitu Love 2: Devolution) for your Quantum Conundrum?
when the game was less than half of that from GMG or some other site not long ago? Not even remotely interested
don't starve is no more than 5/6$. Swedish Indie is 15 and discontinued. Not interested in lowballs, as you can see at the top of my thread.
Don't Starve 12$ steam price, yeah i know i get an extra copy but why to give you for half price? i didn't get nothing and i could do that with a friend... and those pack 15$ discontinued was piece of indie you could get for 1$ each in different bundles that makes lot's of people have it and probably it takes best sale this winter! so you're not going to take a good price for it. Also you'd take it for a quantum conundrum so know you know why he did the trade. I can add a swetiee like a gmod or hammerfight but not even more than this.
Lol, I am getting it with my friend, we are going 50/50 on it, like any deal like this is meant to be used. So I'm more than good.
Looking it up to see if it's something I'll play, just a moment.
It doesn't seem bad, however I am mostly trying to get IG7 before I make a gift trade, so if you wouldn't mind waiting a day or so til I hear from a couple of people I'd do this if I can't manage to get an IG7 for sure
I just found out this along with several other game keys were exploited from ubisoft, I have no problem taking it to the man, but I will not hurt myself on a deal ;] If you have multiple copies or have clash of heroes and dlc's for both, hit me up :]